Member of the Year

Camika Carey

Member of the Year is chosen by members of the chapter and is one of the highest honors a member can achieve in the chapter.  Members of the year exude qualities of leadership and service to all mankind.

Previous Members of the Year

2022   Camika Carey
2021    Ramona Reliford
2020    Mary Jenell Blake
2019 Reina Webb
2018 Shirley Snipes
2017 Melissa Binns
2016 Kathy Jones
2015 Tashimba Andrews
2014 Deborah Simpson
2013 Barbara Scruggs
2012 Kim Cox
2011 Cynthia McDonald
2010 Deborah Bowen

2009  Lisa Bell
2008  Devarn Flowers
2007  Margarette Hayes
2006  Isaac McKinney
2005  Eloise McCoy-Cain
2004  Delores Williams
2003  Sharoen Goodwin
2002  Felicia Johnson
2001  Sandra Irish
2000  Lisa George
1999  Marianne Davis
1998  Willie Ethel Meeks

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